In the Post-War aftermath, Sawtelle saw revitalization with the return of the Japanese American community. JIS once again took up its mantle in Japanese language instruction, and as a social hub and resource center for the growing community’s multigenerational families.

Today, JIS remains the heart of the community, both for its historical significance as one of the earliest Japanese American cultural institutions in the United States, and for its potency as a community symbol—home to a vigorous Japanese language school; a gathering spot for family, martial arts, and senior activities; and a cornerstone for the broader community.

Requests your help with a donation to Renovate our aging facilities!
We would be happy to personally describe our renovation and answer questions about how to make a donation.

We have different ways to donate and there are Naming Opportunities. Send us an email or a voice message and we shall respond promptly.

(424) 512-2110
